Chiropractic Treatments for Extremities
Rely on Our Specialists for Extremity Treatment
No matter the cause of pain in the extremities, whether it’s arm, elbow, wrist, or finger pain, contact Northern Lights Chiropractic. Our chiropractors are specialized in treating obvious injuries like sports and work repetition or not-so-obvious issues like spinal subluxations and fixations.
Our experienced chiropractors know the first place to look when diagnosing extremity pain and numbness: your spine. There can be any number of spinal ailments, including subluxations, fixations, and joint dysfunction that could affect your arms, legs, and all the joints in between. Call (315) 782-7166 for a FREE consultation.
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Discovering the Symptoms to Treat the Pain
Unless there was an obvious injury, the determining factors in discovering the cause of pain are found in a thorough case history. Pain in the upper extremity may stem from one or several chemicals, mechanical, metabolic, or circulation factors.
If you’re experiencing weakness, pain, stiffness, poor range of motion, or locking of your joints, take the opportunity to talk to your chiropractor about how you feel and if there was any trauma that initiated the pain.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Common among keyboard warriors, gamers, manufacturers, and other professionals who work with their hands and wrists, carpal tunnel syndrome affects the median nerve in your wrist which extends through the palm of your hand. When coupled with other health factors like diabetes, hypothyroidism, and rheumatoid arthritis, it can be very painful and debilitating.
Common treatments for carpal tunnel syndrome should begin with the underlying causes first. Before you try injectables like corticosteroids and pain medications to reduce the pain, treat the issues and learn to avoid and decrease the pain naturally.
Shoulder and Elbow Pain
Leading an active life is what our bodies were made for. At some point in life, tendonitis and rotator cuff issues are common terms when mentioning your favorite sports like tennis, golf, and basketball. The upper extremity chiropractors at Northern Lights Chiropractic can help you enjoy the game longer with regular extremity adjustments.
Chiropractic Alignments
Get You Back In the Game
The points of interest in your lower extremities are your:
- Hips
- Sacroiliac joint
- Knees
- Ankles
- Toes
Your pelvic joints ensure a strong foundation for walking and running. Arthritis, bursitis, sciatica, inflammation, and natural wear and tear on hip joints and knees can have you riding the bench during the best years of your life. With chiropractic alignments, maintaining an active life, and expounding on your range of motion, it’s never too late to get you back in the game. Contact Northern Lights Chiropractic to design your treatment plan today.
Shoulder correction Shoulder treatment
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